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The Alchemist's Cookbook
Recipes, Ruminations, and Potions

This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a.

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  • 1/7 gallon teasel juice
  • 17 fluid ounces white sapphire chunks
  • 7 pounds partially hydrogenated Sumbetamndu viper
  • 1 fluid ounce Sineræl agate oil
  • 1 ounce unicorn paste
  • 5 fluid ounces Aquille tiger dressing
  • 1 pound sliced Shyhohus thallium
  • 1/7 fluid ounce palladium chunks
  • 1 pint fresh snark
  • 1/10 cup mace broth
  • 1 ounce spectre paste
  • 4 pounds Thrarfolin damask poison
  • 15 quarts hassium
  • 1/10 pint chicken paste

  • Directions
    Put vinegar in a small Dutch oven and boil. Stir-fry all the gem ingredients in a seperate roasting pan, add 9 cups of boiling water, reduce mixture over heat, and pour over remaining ingredients. Add all remaining ingredients to the Dutch oven, stirring frequently. Add sugar to taste. Pour mixture into a seperate double boiler. Reduce mixture to 1/4 by boiling for 51 minutes. Sprinkle with lapis lazuli poison and serve.

    Garnish with
  • 1 tablespoon Ueplatunc allanite syrup

  • Notes - Sorted by Age and Relevance*
    Personal grimoire concluded that 79% of people who ate from this recipe experienced the following symptoms: albinism, all rolls –2 per serving, anemia, apnea, atopy, dizziness, dry mouth, ectopic pregnancy, eunuchoidism, height growth of at least 6 inches, skin color changes. Do not eat if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from adenocarcinoma, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, arteriosclerosis, black lung, cerebrospinal fever, croup, diptheria, gastric ulcers, Hodgkin's disease, polio. If negative symptoms develop, see an alchemist immediately.

    Peut, Etuete's experiments indicated that Human's are at 18% more risk to the effects of this recipe.

    Stawdy, Jius's journals showed that wizard, bard, soldier and monk's have a 65% immunity to any effects of this recipe.

    Efloria, Witus, Shevias's codexes showed that lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic good and neutral evil aligned characters have a 88% immunity to any effects of this recipe.

    Netenti's handbooks concluded that Zombie, Satyr, Ghoul, Demon, Air Elemental, Roc, and Giant's are at 41% more risk to the effects of this recipe.

    Oselifar, Lagri's journal showed that sorcerer's have a 59% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Codi, Menstafa, Ibequemi's experiment showed that ranger, farmer, fighter and sorcerer's are at 56% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Yifagech's journal showed that Kelpie, Rat, Lizardman, and Fire Elemental's have up to 70% immunity to any effects of this recipe.

    Personal handbooks showed that Leprechaun's have a 4% immunity to 1/7 of the effects of this recipe.

    Weed's experiment indicated that 47% of people who ate from this recipe experienced up to 8 of the following symptoms: anal leakage, anemia, apnea, atrophy, cataplexy, delierium, dementia, double vision, hair growth up to 3 inches, hallucinations, hemorrhoids, kidney failure, mindfire, sneezing, warts. Do not eat if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from Addison's disease, Alzheimer's, amebic dysentry, chickenpox, coronary heart disease, lockjaw, louse, smallpox, snail fever, stroke, thrush, trachoma, tuberculosis. If negative symptoms persist, see a wizard immediately.

    Quodinte, Tiline, Mamequa's scrolls indicated that Dwarf's have up to 22% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Kreh, Aweky's handbook concluded that each time the victim takes 26 or more damage from this recipe, he must make another Fortitude save or 1/7 of all damage incurred is permanent.

    Efupra, Myobi, Tonien's essay indicated that this may cause the following symptoms: age reversal, alopecia, apnea, bedwetting, blurred vision, choking, devil chills, dizziness, double vision, dry mouth, eunuchoidism, hemorrhoids, inability to cast divine spells, incontinence, ingrown toenails, itching, kidney failure, rosacea, vomiting, zits. Do not eat if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from adenitis, diabetes, gonorrhea, hookworm, hyperactive thyroid, kala-azar, lockjaw, lupus, pneumonia, polio, stroke, tapeworm, tetanus, yellow fever. If negative symptoms develop, see an alchemist immediately.

    Pononoet, Quodnctos's handbooks showed that merchant's are at 76% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Gwittle, Skit's journal showed that the victim must make 8 successful Fortitude saving throws in a row to recover from any illnesses caused from this recipe.

    Personal handbook showed that there is a 38% chance that any illnesses contracted from eating this recipe are communicable. All players within 325 feet must make a Fortitude saving roll or risk becoming infected.

    Yprebrorg, Ehani's treatises indicated that successful saves do not allow the character to recover. Only magical healing can save the character.

    Independant laboratory studies have concluded that there is a 80% chance this recipe may cause age reversal, bedwetting, cataplexy, fugues, inability to cast arcane spells, priapism. Do not eat if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from amebic dysentry, cold and fever symptoms, diptheria, epilepsy, laryngitis, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, toxicosis. If negative symptoms develop, see a wizard immediately.

    Kroreue's study concluded that rogue's are at 40% more risk to the effects of this recipe.

    Personal journals concluded that each time the victim takes 8 or more damage from this recipe, he must make another Fortitude save or be blinded.

    Gwekwigrititla's test indicated that 1 in 215 people experienced 8 or more of the following symptoms: ability checks –3 per serving, albinism, alopecia, atrophy, blinding sickness, delierium, dry mouth, hair growth up to 6 inches, menorrhagia, paranoia, rosacea, temperature 6°F cooler than normal, vomiting. Do not eat if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis, dysentery. If negative symptoms develop, see a shaman immediately.

    Homnen's experiments concluded that lawful good and chaotic evil aligned characters are at 28% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Personal studies have concluded that when damaged by this recipe, character must succeed on another saving throw or 25 points of damage is permanent drain instead.

    Tylaniad, Æninbrasneth's guide indicated that 1 in 223 people experienced the following symptoms: aneurysm, angina, atopy, autism, bad breath, cackle fever, coughing, cysts, ectopic pregnancy, eunuchoidism, freckles, hemorrhoids, incontinence, priapism, rosacea, vertigo. Do not eat if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from arthritis, black lung, cancer, cholera, endocarditis, epilepsy, hookworm, hyperactive thyroid, Lyme disease, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, mumps, snail fever, tapeworm, toxicosis. If negative symptoms persist, see a wizard immediately.

    Ozaphoneriel, Nyopru's experiments showed that Dwarf, Halfling, Human, Gnome, and Drow's are at 82% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Ucoflu, Ukratevia's essay concluded that each time the victim takes 9 or more damage from this recipe, he must make another Fortitude save or all damage incurred is permanent.

    * Because of variations in test conditions, recorded studies may have yielded varying results. Newer studies are generally more accurate than older studies, but it is ultimately up to the GM to interpret these results.

    Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.