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The Alchemist's Cookbook
Recipes, Ruminations, and Potions

This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a.

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  • 23 quarts chopped thorite
  • 1/2 tablespoon stewed water elemental
  • 1/4 cup Kirttle galena flakes
  • 1 pound partially hydrogenated Gragis zombie
  • 1/9 tablespoon diced Fraeotua sulfur
  • 1/4 tablespoon sliced Dr'idphozipty hawk
  • 18 cups crushed Tursolin lipstick plant
  • 11 teaspoons Hursak goldenrod syrup
  • 17 ounces dogwood paste
  • 1 pint Matamtte wild ox juice
  • 18 pounds bismuth

  • Directions
    Put cream in a large double boiler and heat but do not boil. Saute all the animal ingredients in a seperate stewpot, mix till well blended, and place in double boiler. Add remaining ingredients to the double boiler 2 at a time, stirring occasionally. Add cream as needed. Pour mixture into a seperate roasting pan. Let mixture simmer 68 minutes. Servehot.

    Garnish with
  • 5 fluid ounces Odyeti doppleganger seasoning
  • 1 pound Urevihizias ruthenium broth

  • Notes - Sorted by Age and Relevance*
    Personal journals showed that 1 in 27 people experienced up to 10 of the following symptoms: age reversal, asthma, bedwetting, coughing, dizziness, eunuchoidism, fugues, gender changes, height shrinkage of at least 1/4 inch, inability to cast any spells, ingrown toenails, mummy rot, muscular atrophy, paranoia, vomiting, warts. Do not eat if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from lockjaw, louse, lung cancer, muscular dystrophy, pertussis. If negative symptoms persist, see an alchemist immediately.

    Malasrendi's codexes indicated that true neutral, chaotic good and neutral evil aligned characters have a 78% immunity to 1/9 of the effects of this recipe.

    Odebrugrisius's treatises indicated that Drow, Orc, Human, Dwarf, and Elf's have up to 91% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Quamuti, Mefansei, Conuncquae's handbook indicated that neutral good aligned characters are at 40% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Personal observations have shown that chaotic neutral aligned characters have a 26% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Ovorar, Sigranesia, Ochukofezius's codexes showed that merchant and paladin's have up to 8% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Maaaunto, Uendis's records showed that Halfling's are at 75% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Bandifuit, Nicclerga, Dipope's experiment showed that Air Elemental, Fire Giant, Ankheg, Ice Giant, Goblin, and Frost Giant's are at 97% more risk to the effects of this recipe.

    Yeleprem, Drezirien, Prodri's handbook showed that druid, farmer and cleric's are at 2% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Praeea, Demaexntis, Disarat's grimoire indicated that wizard's have up to 53% immunity to any effects of this recipe.

    Lirleniel, Áerowas's treatises concluded that Trapdoor Spider's are at 30% more risk to 1/7 of the effects of this recipe.

    Pomeisnon's report indicated that wizard's are at 71% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    * Because of variations in test conditions, recorded studies may have yielded varying results. Newer studies are generally more accurate than older studies, but it is ultimately up to the GM to interpret these results.

    Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.