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Elf Names
Dwarf Names
Fantasy Names 1
Orc Names
Ratmen Names
Tavern Names
Orc Clan Names
Latin-like Names
Harn-Style Names

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Chinese, Male
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French, Male
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Spanish, Female
Spanish, Male
Western, Female
Western, Male
Company Names

Random Books
Spell Books
Orc Hoard

Orc Hunting Party
Orc Raiding Party
Demons (High-level)
Bar Encounters

NPC on the Street
Orc Formal Introduction
Sci-Fi Soldier
NPC Appearance
Adult Civillian (w/ stats)
Gladiator Generator
Horse Generator

Adventure Hooks
Alchemist Cookbook #2
Alchemist Cookbook
Bazaar Contents
Critical Hits
Fortune Teller
Plot Generator
Plot Generator - Sci-Fi
Random Incantation
Tabloid Headlines

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Joe Mays' Tabloid Headline Generator

Reader's Public Observer

Finally, The Truth About Devil-Worshiping Conspiracy!

How long will it be before something is done about ....

Inquisitive Whisper

Mad Scientist Threatens To Use Alien Attack On The World!

There can no longer be any doubt that ....

Democratic Skeptical Press

Ill Horse-Child Is Shocked To Find Body Part In Car

Speaking from the trailer court where the incident was witnessed....

The Confidential Speculator

Intelligent Cat Secretly Owns UFOs

Scientists released ....

Celebrity Journal

Smallest Child In The World Singled Out By Evil Pygmies!

Experts are baffled by ....

The Top-Secret Globe

Rabbit-Girl Is Possessed By Demon!

There can no longer be any doubt that ....

The Confidential Times

Plucky Giraffe Saves Family

"I seen the whole thing," said ....

Public Item

Exorcism Performed Upon Human Cyclops

"I've never seen anything like it in all my years on the force," said a expert on the scene....

Rational Evening Star

Two-Headed Man Secretly In Love with Fattest Woman Alive

Inside sources revealed today that....

Confidential People's Observer

Cat Saves Ambassador To Yugoslavia!

Government spokespersons revealed ....

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.