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Bar Encounters

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Orc Formal Introduction
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Ike's Crits

Stunning Blow Hit:
Target Stunned 1 Round(s)
5 Hit Point Bleeder
Roll Normal Damage
Roll immediate attack of opportunity (if available) against stunned opponent
Character may not exceed their Maximum # of Attacks of Opportunity per round
Stunning Blow Hit:
Target Stunned 1 Round(s)
3 Hit Point Bleeder
Roll Normal Damage
Roll immediate attack of opportunity (if available) against stunned opponent
Character may not exceed their Maximum # of Attacks of Opportunity per round
Chest Hit:
-5 Initiative
Max Random Damage
Double STR Mod to Damage
3 Hit Point Bleeder
Leg Hit:
1/2 Movement & No AC From Dex
Double Random Damage
+2 Hit Points Damage
2 Hit Point Bleeder
Stunning Blow Hit:
Target Stunned 1 Round(s)
1 Hit Point Bleeder
Roll Normal Damage
Roll immediate attack of opportunity (if available) against stunned opponent
Character may not exceed their Maximum # of Attacks of Opportunity per round
Chest Hit:
-2 Initiative
Double Random Damage
4 Hit Point Bleeder
Stunning Blow Hit:
Target Stunned 3 Round(s)
2 Hit Point Bleeder
Roll Normal Damage
Roll immediate attack of opportunity (if available) against stunned opponent
Character may not exceed their Maximum # of Attacks of Opportunity per round
Stomach Hit:
-20 Movement
Max Random Damage
Double STR Mod to Damage
4 Hit Point Bleeder
Groin Hit:
-9 Movement
Max Random Damage
Double Total Damage
5 Hit Point Bleeder
Stunned 2 Rounds
Foot Hit:
-1 AC & 1/2 AC From Dex (round down)
+2 Hit Points Damage
2 Hit Point Bleeder

Terms:Random Damage: The dice roll for the damage of the attack.
Total Damage: The combined values of the random damage, plus strength and any other modifiers to damage including crit bonuses to damage.
Bleeder: Amount of additional damage the recipient receives each subsequent round due to blood loss, internal bleeding or shock. Occurs at the same initiative speed as the original strike.
All negative affects remain in effect until wound is completely healed.

When in doubt always opt for more damage.

Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.