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Joe Mays' Gladiator Description Generator

Nortaxima the Just

A caucasian male, 16 years old, 5 ft. 8 in., 170 lbs., brown eyes, bald, round face, distinctive piercings all over his body. Those who know him well call him "religious". A Roman from the streets of Rome, he was born a slave. For the love of killing, he asked to become a gladiator. In his heart, he is waiting for a chance to escape, but he will do what he can to get the chance to return home.

Bidding for this slave starts at 250 sesterces.
Scrupaete the Ugly

A caucasian male, 19 years old, 5 ft. 10 in., 169 lbs., blue eyes, short blond hair, oval face, no distinguishing marks. Described with the words "forgiving" and "graceful". A Roman from the streets of Rome, he was born a slave. It was good luck that put him on the auction block to be a gladiator. It is obvious from his stance he is a champion.

Bidding for this slave starts at 450 sesterces.
Neciaris the Deathbringer

An african male, 19 years old, 5 ft. 8 in., 173 lbs., black eyes, medium-length black hair, round face, no distinguishing marks. When asked to describe him, most people say "sharp", "pompous" and "fun". A Numidian from the lands of Gaetulia, he was born into a poor family. As a young man, he took part in an uprising against the Roman occupiers of his homeland, and was enslaved and sent off to Rome. Thought to be a weak slave, he would have been executed, but it was decided some value could be gained from his death if it at least provided practice for other gladiators, so he was put up for sale as a gladiator. In his heart, he is waiting for a chance to escape, but he will do what he must to be a champion.

Bidding for this slave starts at 300 sesterces.
Sedcilico the Courageous

An african male, 22 years old, 5 ft. 10 in., 174 lbs., black eyes, bald, oval face, no distinguishing marks. Described with the words "difficult" and "direct". A Carthaginian from the place known as Africa, he was brought up in a aristocratic home, from which he became impatient. When the legions attacked, he attacked the Roman forces in his homeland, and was captured, enslaved, and sent for sale in Rome. Considered to be an insubordinate slave, he would have been executed, but it was decided some value could be gained from his death if it at least provided entertainment for the crowds, so he was put up for sale as a gladiator. Tonight he is completely resigned to the fact that he will be free, or he will die trying.

Bidding for this slave starts at 250 sesterces.
Posset the Shadow

A caucasian male, 21 years old, 5 ft. 11 in., 186 lbs., green eyes, long brown hair, broad face, sideburns. When asked to describe him, most people say "doomed", "educated" and "cold-blooded". A Roman from the city of Ariminum in Umbria, he was born a slave. Impulsively, he offered to be sold as a gladiator. Tonight, burning with trepidation, he longs to die fighting.

Bidding for this slave starts at 100 sesterces.

Generated by ipad2cgi, the Inspiration Pad Pro 2 CGI interface. Build: 12-07-2007 00:51:58

Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.