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Harry Wilson's Sci-Fi Plot Generator

Ted and the sacred plans - Ted and crew are treasure-hunters, who have caught wind of a treasure-laden ruin. Ted and crew go to explore it, but must deal with its tormented guards to win the sacred plans and get out alive. The sacred plans is someone else's private property.
This thriller story is about an innocent who struggles to rescue someone but does it because of a technological discovery.
Act I - Ted `s ambition watched for and guarded against by Ian the kinsman., Ethel loves Ted , but he is being hunted by her kinsman Ian .
Act IIa - Ted becomes the lover of his sister-in-law, Jill ., Ted finds himself in a natural disaster., Ted pursues Garry to avenge Ethel having been raped while Ted was absent.
Act IIb - Ted goes on an adventure to win his beloved, Ethel ., Ethel avenges her husband Ian `s death upon her father Garry ., Garry recaptures Ethel .
Act IIc - The mortal Ted struggles against his immortal rival Aaron to win the affections of Ethel ., Ted is pursued for a fault of love - Ted rapes his daughter Ethel , Ted is rivals with his child Ian for the affections of Ethel .
Act IIIa - Ted feels remorse for assassinating someone., Ted has a controversy with a deity., Ted rescues Ian .
Act IIIb - Ian hates his grandson Ted ., Ted finds his father Ian ., Ted arrives to rescue Max , who has been condemned.
Act IIIc - Ted unknowingly slays grandfather Ian , in vengeance and through schemes and advice of Garry ., Garry offers Ted temptations in order to discover his sex.
In this story, with limited resources, Ted and crew must choose who or what to save.
The hidden weapon of Doom - Bad people are kicking up trouble of some kind. Garry and crew have to deal with it. The trouble is diplomatic or political, and Garry and crew must make peace, not war.
This western story is about a stranger who struggles in a vicious competition for great wealth but does it because of a need for revenge.
Act I - Garry finds Jack , a child who was stolen., Garry pursues Ned to avenge the slaying of Garry `s in-law., Garry is on the point of unknowingly slaying daughter Ethel , through a rivalry in love.
Act IIa - Garry sacrifices life and honor for life of a loved one., Garry discovers he has had a sister, Ethel , as mistress.
Act IIb - Garry becomes the lover of his sister-in-law, Louise ., Garry has a controversy with a deity.
Act IIc - Garry in ambition rebels against Luke ., Ethel is despoiled by Ned , her protector.
Act IIIa - Garry in madness slays Ethel ., Garry leads a revolt in a battle against Luke and his henchman Ned ., Edgar causes own dishonor through imprudent action.
Act IIIb - Garry avenges his brother Edgar `s death upon his son Ned ., Garry learns of the death of Edgar and falls into despair., Ned attempts to obtain the hidden weapon by means of a ruse.
Act IIIc - Garry and his wife Ethel are jealous of each other, due to the machinations of the rival Edgar , Kilgore is rescued by friends, especially Edgar ., Garry and Ethel `s marriage is prevented by enemies.
In this story, Garry and crew have an uncommon partner: they must work with someone they'd rather not.
Ted `s missing ancient weapon - Paul and crew are working surveillance, scouting a new sector. Paul and crew discover information that leads them to want to intervene, but they can't directly. The target gets itself in trouble and Paul must decide whether to break the rule.
This twilight zone-ish story is about a stranger who struggles and searches but does it because of the desire to start a persecution.
Act I - Paul is on the point of unknowingly slaying daughter Debbie , through a rivalry in love., Herbert is robbed of his only hope., Paul rescues Max , a soul in captivity to error.
Act IIa - Paul sacrifices modesty for the life of a relative., Paul is punished for pride before a deity.
Act IIb - Paul , having been betrayed by his wife Debbie , gets vengeance., Paul is a fugitive from justice, pursued for robbery., Debbie `s credulity causes betrothed Luke `s death.
Act IIc - Herbert test Paul to determine his mental condition., Debbie is on the point of unknowingly committing adultery., Paul and his wife Debbie are jealous of each other, due to the machinations of the rival Kate
Act IIIa - Paul prepares for war against Luke ., Paul becomes the lover of his sister-in-law, Kate ., Debbie loves Paul , but he is hated by her kinsman Herbert .
Act IIIb - Paul pursues Luke to revenge being robbed., Paul must sacrifice his daughter Debbie in the public interest., Paul attempts to obtain the ancient weapon by means of persuasive eloquence.
Act IIIc - Paul breaks religious vows of chastity for a passion., Paul in madness brings disgrace upon himself., Paul discovers his wife Debbie was formerly a prostitute.
In this story, Luke leads another group like Paul `s in competition for the same thing.
Roger and Mandy - Roger and crew must secure a military target for the good guys. There are bad guys here to fight them: it's all in the tactics. The territory includes fragile goods which mustn't be harmed.
This slasher story is about an adversary who struggles with a conspiracy but does it because of a desire to prevent the rebellion.
Act I - Roger leads a revolt in a battle against Jack and his henchman Paul ., Aaron becomes the victim of an ambitious intrigue.
Act IIa - Mandy ruins her health through passion., Roger finds his father Will ., Mandy decides to slay her husband Roger for her lover Paul .
Act IIb - Paul test Roger to determine his mental condition., Will helps to bring misfortune on his people, and especially Roger , through professional secrecy., Mandy is on the point of unknowingly committing adultery.
Act IIc - Mandy avenges her husband Will `s death upon her father Paul ., Will seeks help from Roger `s boss Jack for Aaron , Will `s spouse., Roger must sacrifice loved one to his faith.
Act IIIa - Aaron is placed on a throne by Aaron `s adult child, Will ., Roger recaptures Mandy , slaying Paul ., Roger prepares for war against Paul .
Act IIIb - Roger sacrifices life and honor for life of a loved one., Roger is rivals with his cousin Paul for the affections of Mandy ., Mandy in madness slays her lover Roger .
Act IIIc - Roger has false suspicion of his wife Mandy where faith is necessary., Roger discovers his son Will is a traitor to the country and must be punished., Roger betrays his wife Mandy for the intention of bigamy with Sue .
In this story, the point of view is traditionally the NPC's perspective.
Aaron and the ancient document - Aaron and crew are placed in charge of a large operation like a feudal barony and must, despite lack of experience in such things, make it work and thrive. Aaron and crew are resented because of jealousy.
This superhero story is about an adversary who struggles with illicit love but does it because of a need for revenge.
Act I - Aaron discovers he has had a sister, Rachael , as mistress., Aaron is a fugitive from justice, pursued for robbery.
Act IIa - Aaron pursues Ben as part of revenge upon an entire sex for the wrongdoing of one., Aaron sacrifices love for happiness of child., Aaron recaptures ancient document from Ben .
Act IIb - Aaron sacrifices his life for the sake of his word., Aaron involuntarily kills beloved Rachael ., Rachael loves Aaron , but he is hated by her kinsman Will .
Act IIc - Aaron and Rachael can't get married because they have conflicting temperaments., Aaron feels remorse for a fault of love., Aaron is jealous of Rachael and Will , from giving too much credence to malicious rumors.
Act IIIa - Ben captures Rachael ., Rachael avenges her husband Will `s death upon her father Ben .
Act IIIb - Aaron finds Will , who has been unjustly imprisoned., Herbert implores Aaron `s boss Luke for help against the evil Ben ., Aaron rescues Ben, a soul in captivity to error.
Act IIIc - The suspected man Aaron struggles against his rival, the honored man Luke , to win the affections of Rachael ., Will causes own misfortune through imprudent action.
In this story, Aaron and crew must do without their regular equipment.
The sacred document of Doom - At random Ted and crew discover a hornet's nest of Ian `s bad guys, preparing for Super-Bigtime Evil. Ted and crew must find a way to disable the base's Evil Capacity. Ted and crew must work with a local resource to have a chance.
This computers or machines story is about a stranger who struggles with honor because of a man-made disaster.
Act I - Due to unjust laws, Ted must sacrifice love for happiness of child., Ted sacrifices his life for the sake of his people.
Act IIa - Ted has a controversy with a deity., Ted struggles against a power., Ted is jealous of Jill and Garry , from giving too much credence to malicious rumors.
Act IIb - Ted successfully seduces another man, Garry ., Jill in madness slays her lover Ted ., Ted `s ambition watched for and guarded against by Garry the kinsman.
Act IIc - Ted goes on an adventurous expedition., Edgar appeals to Ted `s boss Carl for a refuge in which to die.
Act IIIa - Ted rescues Garry ., Ted feels remorse for adultery.
Act IIIb - Jill loves Ted , but he is hated by her party, especially Garry ., The upstart Ted struggles against his rival, the powerful man Carl , to win the affections of Jill ., Jill is rivals with her cousin Ethel for the affections of Ted .
Act IIIc - Ted finds that his boss Carl , who once had favored him, has forgotten him., Ted finds Ben , a child who was stolen., Ted discovers the dishonorable secret of his father, Garry .
In this story, there's a major role-reversal halfway through.
Victor vs Edgar - Victor and crew are on-board a populated conveyance -- a blimp, perhaps -- when it is hijacked. Victor and crew must take action while the normals sit hostage.
This twilight zone-ish story is about an adversary who struggles with a conspiracy but does it because of noble ambition.
Act I - Louise `s husband Aaron and her ex-husband Victor fight for her affections., Victor rapes his daughter Louise
Act IIa - Victor rescues Aaron ., Victor finds Carl , a child who was stolen.
Act IIb - Victor discovers he must punish his mother Sue to avenge his father Aaron ., Victor suffers the unjust punishment of his friend Aaron ., Victor fights for his boss Ben in a battle against a revolt lead by his enemy Edgar .
Act IIc - Victor avenges his father`s death upon his mother Sue ., Victor is foretold of Aaron `s death.
Act IIIa - Ben offers Victor temptations in order to discover his sex., Victor betrays his wife Louise for love of a young girl, Sue , who does not love him., Victor involuntarily kills beloved Louise .
Act IIIb - Sue in madness slays her lover Victor ., Stuart implores Victor `s boss Ben for assistance in doing a Pious Duty, which Edgar has forbidden., Louise is rivals with her in-law Sue for the affections of Victor .
Act IIIc - Victor is a bounty hunter, and pursues the criminal Edgar ., Victor `s ambition watched for and guarded against by Aaron the kinsman.
In this story, the victims are villains and the villains victims.
Edgar `s stolen hidden map - Luke and crew are minding their own business when they are attacked or threatened. They don't know why. Luke and crew must solve the mystery of the attacker's motives, and meanwhile fend off more attacks. The attackers want revenge for actions from a prior adventure.
This social documentary story is about a penitent who struggles with recovering from a life of crime because of a terrible discovery.
Act I - Luke has a controversy with a deity., Jill decides to slay her trusting lover Luke ., Jill is in love with her father Luke
Act IIa - Jill loves Luke , but he is hated by her party, especially Carl ., Luke discovers dishonor in the family of his fiancee, Jill .
Act IIb - Luke `s ambition watched for and guarded against by Carl who is under obligation., Jill is rivals with her sibling Grace for the affections of Luke .
Act IIc - Luke draws false suspicions on himself to shield his friend Carl ., Luke is jealous of Jill and Carl , from giving too much credence to rumors spread by Victor out of hatred., Luke avenges his father`s death upon his mother Grace .
Act IIIa - Luke feels remorse for a fault of love., Luke sacrifices life and honor for life of a loved one.
Act IIIb - Luke ruins his honor through passion., Ned is placed on a throne by Ned `s adult child, Carl .
Act IIIc - Luke finds Carl , who has been unjustly imprisoned., Luke goes on an adventurous expedition., Luke sacrifices love for the sake of the State.
In this story, Luke and crew must act without violence.

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.