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Download AlchemistCookbook2.ipt
Complex Recipes, Ruminations, and Potions Ingredients Soup Directions Put ale in a large roasting pan and heat to 140°. Knead all the plant ingredients in a seperate bowl Mix plant ingredients till frothy Take plant ingredients and pour over remaining ingredients. Add remaining ingredients to the roasting pan 2 at a time, stirring occasionally. Add oil as needed. Pour liquids off into a seperate pot. Discard solids. Stand soup for 3hour(s), 16 minute(s). Add ale to soup, then garnish with one of the items from table below Serve immediately. Garnish with Notes - Sorted by Age and Relevance* * Because of variations in test conditions, recorded studies may have yielded wildly varying results. Ultimately it is up to the GM to interpret these results. Aproteta's cookbooks showed that 1 in 136 people were cured of up to 5 of the following symptoms: agyiophobia (fear of being in streets), alignment changes, arachnophobia (fear of spiders), asthma, autophobia (fear of loneliness), clinophobia (fear of beds), dry mouth, mummy rot. Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from amebiasis, black lung, cancer, chronic fatigue disorder, croup, dysentery, dystrophy, endocarditis, lung cancer, lymphoma, measles, measles, pneumonia, scurvy, shingles. If negative symptoms persist, see a medicine man immediately. Trylleniad's handbooks indicated that rogue's have a 91% immunity to the effects of this recipe. Melandorbrlir, Elindilbrlan's manuals concluded that when damaged by this recipe, character must succeed on another saving throw or 4 points of damage is permanent drain instead. Tosar, Flecus, Ashako's grimoires showed that 1 in 205 people were cured of the following symptoms: anemia, anemia, atrophy, aurophobia (fear of gold), delierium, vomiting. Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from Addison's disease, Addison's disease, Addison's disease, blastomycosis, cardiac arrest, chlamydia, cold and fever symptoms, conjunctivitis, coronary heart disease, hookworm, lockjaw, rabies, shingles, stroke, toxicosis. If negative symptoms develop, see a witch immediately. Iindi, Cumliri's handbook indicated that Elf's are at 73% more risk to the effects of this recipe. Personal tests have concluded that Manticore, Oni, Wight, Gorgon, Garuda, Snark, and Goblin's are at 15% more risk to any effects of this recipe. Nontremi, Ineontus's codexes showed that lawful neutral and neutral evil aligned characters have up to 27% immunity to any effects of this recipe. Pota's test concluded that Earth Elemental's have a 56% immunity to 1/8 of the effects of this recipe. Dhokrain's experiment showed that each time the victim takes 11 or more damage from this recipe, he must make another Fortitude save or 1/5 of all damage incurred is permanent. Personal tomes showed that there is a 76% chance this recipe may cause aerophagiaphobia (fear of swallowing air), agrizoophobia (fear of wild animals), agyiophobia (fear of being in streets), albinism, anal leakage, angina, asthma, bad breath, bedwetting, blood clots, coimetrophobia (fear of cemeteries), coughing, delierium, erythrophobia (fear of blushing, color red), hallucinations, hemorrhoids, hyalophobia (fear of glass), ingrown toenails, mindfire, priapism, scelerophobia (fear of attack by the wicked), stroke. Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from Addison's disease, black lung, blastomycosis, cold and fever symptoms, gastric ulcers, hookworm, hookworm, leprosy, leprosy, leprosy, lupus, multiple sclerosis, tapeworm, toxicosis, yellow fever. If negative symptoms develop, see an alchemist immediately. Testubesi, Eiusquam's tests showed that ranger's are at 28% more risk to the effects of this recipe. Zozodius, Luhar, Lassi's studies showed that paladin and bard's have a 38% immunity to 1/2 of the effects of this recipe. Laboratory tests have shown chaotic good, lawful evil, true neutral and lawful good aligned characters are at 99% more risk to the effects of this recipe. Gruluen, Yineshrehien, Ofyaba's treatises indicated that Drow, Elf, and Human's are at 32% more risk to the effects of this recipe. Sylilos's records showed that Dwarf's have up to 88% immunity to 1/9 of the effects of this recipe. Corretae, Orea's tests indicated that merchant, cleric, sorcerer and fighter's are at 83% more risk to any effects of this recipe. Personal cookbooks concluded that neutral good aligned characters have up to 66% immunity to any effects of this recipe. Laboratory studies have shown Hydra, Rat, Ghost, Poltergeist, Firedrake, Chimera, and Troll's have a 48% immunity to 1/9 of the effects of this recipe. Odrocefar, Eresi, Dedryo's observations showed that there is a 24% chance that any illnesses contracted from eating this recipe are not communicable. All players within 251 feet must make a Fortitude saving roll or risk becoming infected. Sekannes, Myfiseria's experiment concluded that the victim must make 9 successful Fortitude saving throws in a row to recover from any illnesses caused from this recipe. Generated by ipad2cgi, the Inspiration Pad Pro 2 CGI interface. www.nbos.com. Build: 12-07-2007 00:51:58 |
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