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The Alchemist's Cookbook v2
Complex Recipes, Ruminations, and Potions

This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a.

  • 12 ounces Sarhymae hypericum oil
  • 1 pint dried satyr
  • 15 gallons behemoth extract
  • 1 cup antimony
  • 1 ounce cattleya orchid
  • 1 teaspoon stewed garlic
  • 4 ounces orchid root
  • 1 fluid ounce Karltetla acerola extract
  • 1 gallon morning glory
  • 1/9 pound oat stem
  • 10 pints painted tongue
  • 1/5 quart Coafaspes musk rose leaves
  • 1 cup stewed rat
  • 1/7 gallon rhododendron
  • 1/10 ounce Noniuia catechu paste
  • 14 pounds Tasessa wollastonite
  • 1 quart amaranth juice

  • Liquid Infusion Directions
    Grind all the ingredients with a mortar in a wok.
    Allow the ground mixture to dry into powder.
    Powder will be ready for infusion when it's color is gray.
    Take 1 gallon of juice and heat to 212°.
    Take 1 pint of the gray powder and dissolve it in the juice.
    Let stand for 5 minutes.

    Notes - Sorted by Age and Relevance*
    * Because of variations in test conditions, recorded studies may have yielded wildly varying results. Ultimately it is up to the GM to interpret these results.

    Gretittle, Sketl's treatises indicated that if prepared in accordance with the recipe, this recipe yields no negative symptoms, diseases, or side-effects.

    Generated by ipad2cgi, the Inspiration Pad Pro 2 CGI interface. Build: 12-07-2007 00:51:58

    Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.