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Random Bar Encounters

The primary NPC is shown in bold text. All references to "the NPC" are to this person.

A band begins performing raunchy party songs in the bar. It's not bad.
A group toast breaks out in the door of the establishment. The PC didn't see the cause.
The slender man (not armed) sitting in the establishment becomes drunk and begins loudly praising all foes of the PC's occupation .
A group toast breaks out nearby in the establishment. The PC didn't see the cause.
The plump woman (obviously armed with a missile weapon) , accompanied by a tall smelly unruly woman (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee weapon), standing in the establishment seems to be watching the PC curiously. If approached, he/she begins screaming.
Possible complication: There is a spy contact currently in the establishment. The owner knows.
The oily woman (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee and missile weapon) , accompanied by a man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden missile weapon), sitting in the establishment claims that he/she is a servant to all foes of a certain occupation .
The fat man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden missile weapon) sitting in the establishment begins telling obvious lies about a foreign soldier .
The broad repulsive trusting woman (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee and missile weapon) , accompanied by a broad drunken man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee weapon), sitting nearby in the establishment draws a weapon.
The insane man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee weapon) , accompanied by a slender man (not armed), sitting nearby in the establishment passes out.
The woman (not armed) , with 4 accomplices, sitting in the establishment invites prostitutes to his/her room.
Possible complication: The NPC is engaged in a ruse to disguise the fact that he/she is a spy in the bar to gather information about a group of criminals.
The man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee and missile weapon) sitting in the establishment cries out for someone to please help all of the local law-enforcement .
The tall grinning woman (not armed) sitting in the establishment insults the PC.
The tall filthy devious man (not armed) , with 2 accomplices, standing in the corner of the establishment cries out for someone to please drive out the PC.
The friendly woman (not armed) sitting in the establishment approaches the PC because he/she is searching for an enemy.
The slender sad man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden missile weapon) sitting in the front of the establishment insists the PC should buy him/her a round.
The fat man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden missile weapon) sitting in the establishment claims that he/she once was a hero to a plump healthy studious child (not armed) in the bar .
Possible complication: The NPC has a foe, a healthy friendly man (not armed) standing nearby in the bar. The NPC knows the individual is in the bar and sees him/her. The PC does not know the individual is in the bar.
The dangerous-looking manic man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden missile weapon) sitting in the establishment spits on the PC because he/she wants to offer the PC government contacts..
The woman (not armed) sitting nearby in the establishment makes a hex sign at the PC.
The filthy paranoid woman (obviously armed with a missile weapon) sitting as far as possible from the PC in the establishment asks the PC to meet upstairs because he/she has a job for the PC. The NPC is looking for a manual laborer to work on some mundane task.
The skinny muscular happy woman (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden missile weapon) sitting in the establishment asks the PC to meet downstairs because he/she is searching for an enemy.

Generated by ipad2cgi, the Inspiration Pad Pro 2 CGI interface. Build: 12-07-2007 00:51:58

Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.