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Fortune Teller
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Download Fortune-Teller-Rider.ipt
The Fortune Teller's tent is dark and mysterious. She moves out of the shadows....

She is a laughing young woman. She gestures for you to take a seat opposite her. She hands you a cup of strong tea. "Drink this! And as you do so, hold in your mind the thing to which you would know an answer!" As you drain the cup, she takes it from you and begins to look into the dregs....

After a moment, she speaks.... "You see that the symbols are scattered, disorganized. These events should be taking place within a year...." She pores closely over the contents of the cup. "I see the following things, in order of the time they should become significant in the future... The sigil of a number '9' indicating, perhaps, a span of time, weeks months or years, or perhaps an amount of something is significantly close to the rim., " The cup turns slowly in her hands. "There is a very obvious sigil right on the rim, meaning it's terribly important. This butterfly speaking of much expected happiness., Yes...The mark of a number '7' indicating, perhaps, a span of time, weeks months or years, or perhaps an amount of something is significantly close to the rim., The sigil of a bell foreshadowing good news is significantly close to the rim., " She pulls back. "The rune of a turtle foretelling criticism is insignificant but there., " She mumbles to herself in a strange tongue. "The mark of a kettle meaning a sign of peace in the home is right on the rim, meaning it's terribly important., Ahhhh...I detect a glyph on the bottom, representing a change. I refer to the number '4' indicating, perhaps, a span of time, weeks months or years, or perhaps an amount of something. The symbols are in a waving line. Change is possible here. Your fate is your own to determine, if you are careful and pay attention to the signs...."

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.